
Facebook Sues Indian Techie for Running Ads and Fake News on Coronavirus

Facebook has filed a lawsuit against an Indian man for Conducting a software Firm that pushed deceptive advertisements and misinformation Regarding coronavirus outbreak on social media platforms by bypassing its advertising review process.

The suit, filed in federal court in California, alleges that Basant Gajjar's company LeadCloak provided ad-cloaking applications designed to sneak fake news and scams associated with COVID-19, cryptocurrency, diet pills, and much more past Facebook and Instagram's automated advertisements review process.

LeadCloak's software also targeted a range of other tech companies including Google, Oath, WordPress, Shopify, along others, Romero said.

Cloaking is a malicious strategy that impairs ad review systems by hiding the nature of the website linked to an ad.

When advertisements are advertising, an organization's ad review system may see a website showing an innocuous product such as a sweater, however, a user will visit a different website, promoting deceptive products and services which, oftentimes, are not permitted.

In this case, Leadcloak's software was utilized to hide websites featuring scams related to international health emergency COVID-19, cryptocurrency, pharmaceuticals, diet pills, and bogus news pages. A number of these cloaked websites also contained images of actors, the social networking giant said in the statement.

In addition to this submitting, Facebook has taken specialized enforcement steps against Leadcloak and reports that the company has determined have used their applications, including disabling private and ad accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

This lawsuit will also further our efforts to spot Leadcloak's clients and take further enforcement actions against them, the announcement added.

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