
COVID-19: Samsung Releases Program to Invite Users to Wash Hands

Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore (SRI-B) has assembled a'Hand Wash' program which prompts users to wash their hands, a vital precautionary step to remain secure amid the climbing coronavirus concern The program onto Samsung's Galaxy Watch reminds users occasionally about hands wash and also makes certain the action lasts at least 20 minutes.
Hand wash is deemed effective only as it continues for a whole 20 minutes, according to health professionals," Samsung stated in an official launch .

"The'Hand Wash' program enables users to monitor their everyday wash trends to construct wholesome habit over a period of time," it added. The program also enables users to track their everyday clean regular. Every time the user initiates the clean arrangement, the'Hand Wash' program monitors time and provides users with comments after 25 minutes of the clean cycle.

"Five minutes are for turning the faucet and employing soap, whereas 20 minutes are for real hand wash. The'Hand Wash' program also informs users if they overlook some of the scheduled pit stops into the wash basin," the firm stated. The program can be found through the Galaxy Store.

The SRI-B workers who developed the program were largely working from home if they assembled it, Samsung said. The'Hand Wash' program also has view face, enabling users to track their everyday wash regular.

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